A Simple Way to Reduce Your Shipping Bill

Did you know that both FedEx and UPS have money-back-guarantees for on-time delivery? Well, I didn’t either until I heard about a company that can monitor your shipment delivery times. Even if your package is 60 seconds late, those two carriers will refund your costs 100%. These refunds won’t happen automatically, so it is your responsibility as the merchant, to notify them of their tardiness.
If you are a high-volume merchant, monitoring actual delivery times vs. expected delivery times can be an arduous task. Enter 71lbs, a software company that automates this entire process for you. After signing up for 71lbs, merchants simply need to provide their FedEx.com and UPS.com login credentials to 71lbs and the monitoring and notifications happen automatically! Of course, 71lbs takes a percentage of the savings, but it is savings that most merchants are not currently taking advantage of today.
If you are interested in reducing your shipping bill by taking advantage of shipping refunds, take a look at 71lbs. Their risk free model makes it a no-brainer for many online merchants.