Are you secure? You better be.

Sharp marketers have noticed that Google has proposed adding a warning within the Chrome browser to alert users when a website they are viewing is non-secure. The specific details of the Google proposal can be found at the Chromium Blog here:
While this is simply a proposal at the time of this writing, you should expect that Google will be testing this feature in the near future and will ultimately release it. Given that the Chrome browser will account for roughly 20% of the traffic to your site, and given that this warning will send a lot of those customers away, now is the time to ensure your entire site supports the HTTPS protocol.
If you have not done so yet, be sure to acquire the necessary security certificate(s) for your website as it will be important that the entire site (not just the store) is secure. It is also critically important that your online store is secure for the entire shopping experience, not just the checkout. If your online store provider does not support HTTPS on your domain for the entire experience, it may be time to start looking around.
If you are reading this and use Nexternal’s eCommerce platform, transitioning to HTTPS on your domain is a simple process. In Settings, edit the Site Options and then click on the Request Certificate link associated with the Secure Domain Alias listing. After a few simple steps, your store will be ready for when Google’s non-secure warning is standard.