Google Remarketing = Don’t Let That Shopper Get Away!

Monday, March 4th, 2013
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Google remarketing is a powerful strategy used by online merchants which combines Google AdWords, Google Analytics and the Google Display Network to target advertise to shoppers and customers who may have previously visited their online store.  Remarketing gives merchants the ability to drive repeat business and capture customers that may have abandoned their site prior to completing a purchase.

Here is an example of remarketing at work.  Let’s say a shopper did a Google search for “denim jeans” and clicked your link within the search results.  They were then directed to your online apparel store and they spent several minutes browsing your selection of jeans.  For one reason or another, the customer decided not to complete the purchase.  That customer then decided to visit their favorite news website (ex: CNN, ESPN, TMZ, etc.) and what do you know, your banner advertisement showing your free shipping promotion is displayed right on their favorite news site.  The shopper now realizes they can’t live without your jeans so they click the banner ad, go back to your site and this time they complete the purchase.  This is remarketing at it’s finest. Businessman using a laptop computer

Google Overview Video:

How do you set up Google Remarketing?  This is a tricky question and can vary based on your current Google set up, however here are some basics.

First you need to link your Google AdWords & Google Analytics accounts here:

You’ll then need to configure your Remarketing strategy by creating your remarketing lists.  Google has some predefined lists as well as several customization options for you to choose from such as customer demographics or shopping cart abandonment.  You can find more information on set up here:

Many online merchants will need to manually update the Google Analytics Tracking code on their websites and online stores to accommodate the addition of the Remarketing tools.  If you are a Nexternal client and you are on our Nexternal.NET platform, we have recently updated the tracking code snippet for you so no additional configuration is needed.

Driving repeat business and combating shopping cart abandonment are some of the biggest challenges facing online merchants.  Google’s Remarketing tools help merchants keep their brand in front of their existing customers and in some cases provide them with a second chance to turn a shopper into a buyer.

eCommerce Ninja by day and husband & father by night. Since 2003 Ty has been part of the fast growing eCommerce industry both as an Account Manager and online retailer. Ty has played a vital role in the conversion, launch and day-to-day operations of hundreds of online businesses ranging from multi-million dollar corporations to one and two person companies.