Nexternal Live Client: Fight Colorectal Cancer

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011
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Fight Colorectal Cancer has launched their online store powered by Nexternal Solutions. Fight Colorectal Cancer is the leading colorectal cancer advocacy organization in Washington, DC, empowering survivors to raise their voices, training advocates around the country, and educating lawmakers and pushing them for better policies.

They offer support for patients, family members, and caregivers, and serve as a resource for colorectal cancer advocates, policymakers, medical professionals, and healthcare providers. Additionally, they do everything they can to increase and improve research — at all stages of development and for all stages of cancer. Check out their website and online store at:



Coming from a medical and non-profit management background, Taryn has extensive experience in customer service and marketing. She is a Senior Account Manager for Nexternal and loves working with her clients to develop social media and marketing strategies to improve their online presence. In her spare time, she also runs a successful eCommerce jewelry and essential oils business.