Stop Giving Your Customers Reasons to Leave

Wednesday, November 5th, 2008
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Retailers should look at the economic downturn as an opportunity to gain an advantage over their competitors, writes Irwin Kramer, CEO of e-commerce solutions provider iCongo. Optimizing inventory and customer service systems are key to positioning your business for the future.

Most retailers experience a downturn in a weak economy. As consumers rein in spending, a downturn is usually not distributed equally among all retailers. The extent of the downturn depends on a number of factors, including geographic location of stores… Read More.

Coming from a medical and non-profit management background, Taryn has extensive experience in customer service and marketing. She is a Senior Account Manager for Nexternal and loves working with her clients to develop social media and marketing strategies to improve their online presence. In her spare time, she also runs a successful eCommerce jewelry and essential oils business.