3 Things eCommerce Merchants Can Gain From Apple’s iOS 7

Last week Apple made their standard holiday position move by releasing two new versions of the iPhone in the iPhone 5S and 5C. Additionally, Apple released a new version of their mobile operating system iOS 7. While there wasn’t a huge change in the actual design of the new iPhones, there was a massive overhaul in the look and feel of the operating system that hasn’t really changed visually since the iPhone was released in 2007.
eCommerce merchants can learn a few things by taking a look at what Apple has done in the iOS 7 release and the follow are 3 things that should be considered:
- Lighter is Better – Immediately after updating to iOS 7 I noticed that things were much brighter. The icons were flat and lighter overall in color, the camera roll used a white background instead of the normal black and banners and text were light grey and blue. This approach is in line with what companies such as eBay and Amazon have done lately and it is something the eCommerce merchants should consider.
- Speed is King – The new iOS 7 is quick and eCommerce merchants know that there’s not a person out there who shops online that wishes things would just slow down. What to take away here is that you need to continue to find ways to make your store move quicker. Consider reducing the amount of products that you list per page, optimize your image file sizes or consider utilizing a content deliver network. Improving store speed should be a constant on the mind of every eCommerce merchant.
- A Fresh Look Can Change Behavior – After updating my phone, I immediately felt that it was brand new and several days later, I’m still playing with the new operating system. As eCommerce merchants you need to realize that customers get into a routine when they visit your store. They’re likely to hit the site and navigate down the same path they did the last time they were there. While you don’t want to distract a customer, a fresh look to your store can get the customer shopping more and encourage them to stay longer or return more frequently.
Website and storefront redesigns can seem like a daunting task, but the benefits can easily outweigh the work involved. Keeping up with current design trends, such as flat design, conveys to customers that your brand is fresh and dynamic.
Implementing a fresh look, improving speed and providing a better customer experience are not Apple’s original ideas, however it can take changes from companies like Apple, eBay and Amazon to guide you down the right path when considering your next big design initiative.