4 Way to “Expand Your Brand” With Pinterest Boards

There are less than 2 weeks left in the holiday shopping season and shoppers on the go are busy looking for great deals and perfect gifts. Showrooming and comparison shopping are at an all time high and customers are using their mobile devices and social networks like Pinterest, to find gifts for their loved ones. With visual presentations and images more engaging than ever this year, Pinterest is an important channel for “expanding your brand” and targeting customers on the go. Here are 4 ways to expand your brand with Pinterest Boards:
- Create Local Boards – Create a Pinterest Board that not only displays products but also displays popular sites and locations in your surrounding area or city. This can help local shoppers find your business, your brick and mortar location, and connect with your local brand.
- Add Keywords to your Board Descriptions – Each Pinterest Board has a description field that can be used to add keywords and phrases that summarize the pins/images found on it. Treat this field like a “META Description” field; include some sort of call to action that will entice customers to check it out. This will help your Board and Pins show up in search results for a wider range of topics and search queries.
- Strategically Arrange Board Order – Studies have shown that Boards located in the first 2 rows have more traffic or engagement that others. Place Boards containing the themes of your brand, your most popular products, uses, and values in the top two rows. This will help increase their impressions, traffic, and understanding of what your brand stands for.
- Create a “Gifts We Are Giving” Board – Try to display a board or two of the gifts or values your business is giving this year. A board that displays the brands or non-profits your company donates to each year is a great way of accomplishing this. Remember that customers like socially responsible organizations so don’t miss this opportunity to show the responsible side of your brand.
Don’t miss out on a great opportunity to expand your brand awareness during the final days of 2012.