Control Your Brand Name Display on Facebook

When someone shares a product from your online store does your store url or brand name appear? If not, then you are missing out on a stream of traffic and brand awareness that could be generated from Facebook. Recently there have been changes to how your Company/Brand Name are displayed in Facebook Posts. A new configuration is required in order to display your Company Name/StoreURL as the location where FB Likes/Posts are coming from. When someone Likes a product in your Online Store, your store URL or company name should appear after the ‘likes a product on’ (see example below in the red box for clarification). In order to control the text/url that appears in this location a Facebook Application ID must be entered inside the Nexternal Order Management System > Social Media Preferences page. Please note, an Application ID is different from a User Account or a Company’s Facebook Page. Here are instructions for obtaining your own Facebook Application ID:
- To create a Facebook Application ID, go to ,
- Register as a Developer.
- Click Apps -> Create New App in their top navigation.
- Visit Settings then click Add New Platform
- Then configure your Application Settings (the image below provides a visual representation of we configuration we recommend):
- Website URL or Company/Brand Name as the Display Name
- Nexternal Account Name as the Namespace
- Email Address Displayed in your Nexternal Store as the Contact Email
After clicking Save Changes at the bottom, copy your FB Application ID, and paste it into the Facebook Application ID box inside your Nexternal Order Management System (Settings section > Compatible Software > Social Networking Preferences Link > Application ID box). This setup process takes about 10 minutes and is very easy to do. Adding a Facebook Application ID is a low cost and easy way to help you generate more brand awareness and traffic from Facebook. Please contact your account manager if you have any questions or would like assistance setting this up. *Please note, once you enter your company’s FB Application ID it may take awhile for Facebook to update their database (they have to re-crawl the page).