Place Orders in Your Own Store Both Periodically and After Any Layout Modifications
I am amazed at how many times I go to place an order online and upon checking out am presented with a message that says, “This page contains both secure and non-secure items.” Although I understand what this message means, many consumers assume that the ecommerce site itself is not secure and abandon the checkout process resulting in lost orders for that merchant.
Although today’s tip seems simple enough, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of periodically placing test orders yourself in your own online store. Also, it is not enough to just place an order in one browser. Test your store using ALL of the major browsers including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome.
The error mentioned above often occurs when checking out using Internet Explorer. If there are images or scripts that are being referenced non-securely, the consumer is going to be presented with confidence killing message. In addition to testing store periodically, merchants need to test their stores anytime a layout modification occurs or a third party code is installed. Such code might include Analytics Code, Live Chat Code, Affiliate Tracking Code, or simply some fancy javascript file that is used to produce a nifty effect on your site.
Throwing up error messages during the checkout process is a sure fire way to lower your conversion rate. Placing test orders yourself in your own online store is a good practice and something many merchants often overlook.