Nexternal Solutions – Help Desk – Payment Gateway Set Up & Credit Card Processing

Nexternal makes it easy and very secure for merchants to accept and process credit cards online. Nexternal has built an integration with three of the major credit card gateway providers, Paymentech and PayPal Payflow Pro which allows you to authorize and capture funds or process refunds and voids directly within the Nexternal Order Management System.

Set Up Gateway:
Setting up your payment gateway is very easy. The requirements may change depending on the gateway you’re using but the set up is very similar.
The first thing we’ll want to do is to login to the Nexternal Order Management System then go to the Settings Section.
From Settings you’ll scroll down and click on Edit next to Compatible Software. Here you’ll see the Payment Gateways section and you will notice some different fields for the three integrated gateways. Once again each gateway requires different information and if you don’t have this information contact your provider and they will gladly give it to you.
After you have the information, just enter it into the appropriate field and you’re ready to configure your authorization settings.
Authorization Settings:
Once you’ve entered the correct information for your provider you’ll then want to configure your Authorization settings. Authorizations will determine how the store acts when a credit card is entered during the checkout process as you can see by the first setting “Authorize credit card before accepting order”.
If you select this option then the order will not be accepted if the card is declined for any reason. Most companies will authorize before accepting the order to make sure that they aren’t getting a number of declined cards after the order has been placed.
You can then configure a few other settings such as maximum number of attempts but the important setting to point out is the Card Validation Values or the 3-4 digit code that’s located on the back of the credit card. Some Merchant Service Providers will give you a better transaction rate when you ask for the 3-4 digit code as purchases using the code are less likely to be fraudulent. You can choose to make the code optional, required or not use the code at all.
Once you’ve configured your authorizations, you can scroll to the bottom of the page and click Finish.
That ‘s all it takes to set up your Payment Gateway but you’ll want to test the settings with a sample transaction.
Processing Credit Cards:
To thoroughly test the transaction process you’ll want to go to your online store and submit a test order with a real credit card that we can use.
Once you submit the test order you can then login to your order management system then proceed to the Orders section. You will see the order you just submitted at the top of the list and if you’re Authorizing at the time of the sale, then the billing status should say Authorized.
You can quickly process the transaction by clicking the green dollar sign next to the order number. You should receive a pop-up message saying that the order will now be processed and you’ll want to click OK.
You will then see the credit card terminal that will display the results of the transaction and as you can see the funds for this order are processed and if you close the window you will now see that the billing status has been marked as Paid. You’ve now processed this credit card through the Nexternal Order Management System and if this was a live order it would be ready to send to the customer.
If for any reason you need to get back to the terminal you can click on the order number then scroll down and click on the Credit Card Terminal button. You can also take a quick note of some of the other buttons in the terminal such as Refund, Void and Auth Capture. These buttons may come in handy for future transactions.
Now we’ve just shown you how quick and easy it is to process and individual transaction, however with the Nexternal Order Management system you are also able to bulk process several transactions at once.
If you have several orders that you would like to process at once then from the Orders screen you can click the Batch Process button which will allow you to select multiple orders and process them at the same time. This way if you have 500 orders you need to capture funds for, you won’t have to hit the green dollar sign 500 times.
As you can see Nexternal makes is fast, easy and most importantly secure for online merchants to accept credit cards. If you have any questions on this topic feel free to contact us using the Nexternal Help Desk in your account. You can also call us at 1-800-914-6161 or email us at