Nexternal Webinar: Optimizing Your Nexternal Shopping Cart for the Search Engines

Thursday, August 19th, 2010
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Join us for a Webinar on September 2

This webinar will be largely educational based and will primarily focus on optimizing your Nexternal Shopping Cart so that product and category pages rank better in the search engines.  It will also touch on how to properly setup your store to work with Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools.  This webinar is primarily intended for existing Nexternal clients, however, prospective clients are welcome to attend as well!

Title:         Optimizing Your Nexternal Shopping Cart for the Search Engines

Date:        Thursday, September 2, 2010

Time:        10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PDT

Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

Coming from a medical and non-profit management background, Taryn has extensive experience in customer service and marketing. She is a Senior Account Manager for Nexternal and loves working with her clients to develop social media and marketing strategies to improve their online presence. In her spare time, she also runs a successful eCommerce jewelry and essential oils business.