To Trend or Not to Trend

In the past, the majority of conversations about popular trending topics have been covered by Twitter. Earlier this year, Facebook followed the lead of Twitter and Google by releasing their own new Trending Topic feature which is located at the top right hand side of your screen when you’re signed into Facebook. Facebook Trending shows you the most popular topics that are being discussed on Facebook, allowing users to take the time to browse through these topics before determining what type of content they wish to share.
More recently, the value of using trending for brands and businesses has become clear. Facebook’s Trending section not only keeps users in the know, but also keeps brands informed by offering them more opportunities to stay relevant with fans in real time on a platform other than Twitter. Facebook Trending provides brands the opportunity to gather information about the news users are consuming so that brands can better target adds and provide quality Facebook content. If you look carefully, you will notice that the short description provided under a trending topic also benefits brands because they are now able to quickly determine if a trending topic is relevant. Once a brand builds the number of “likes” on Facebook pages, they have an opportunity to enter user conversations by posting content relevant to the topic. These posts would appear only to the users most interested in reading them. Once Facebook users start seeing organic content from brands Facebook pages popping up in their trending topics, they’re more inclined to follow it. Starbucks is a good example if this.