What’s in Your Bag?

It is not uncommon for entrepreneurs to open a business, such as a specialty retail shop, because they are passionate about an industry and love the products in that retail segment. If you fall into that category, ask yourself the following question, “Am I leveraging my passion and using it to connect with my customers?” If the answer is no, you might rethink your strategy.
Let’s say for example that you love the sport of golf. If you are socializing at a party and talking about golf, that passion is going to come through in the conversation. People will undoubtedly ask what types of clubs you play with at which point you’ll gladly tell them! Think of your online retail site in the same manner. Tell people which clubs you play with. What is your favorite putter? Which sand wedge do you prefer? Consider either setting up a category (Jeff’s Picks or similar) or flagging the product thumbnails with a notation that lets me know that product is the owner’s pick. If you’ve sampled or tested a product, you might create your own Review of pros and cons, helping your customers to further decide which of your products best suits their needs. You’ll be surprised how people buy certain product that might otherwise not, just based on your recommendation!
photo credit: teamstickergiant via photo pin cc