4 Ways To Train Customers On How To Shop Your Online Store

It’s safe to say that every online business is just a bit different from the next. It’s also safe to say that the shopping experience on one store can vary significantly from another. This is similar to how brick & mortar retailers vary the layout of their stores. However, unlike brick & mortar stores most online stores don’t have a “person” who’s there to greet the visitor and point the shopper in the right direction once they enter the site. This means that for online store owners it’s important to utilize various methods to directly and in some cases indirectly instruct your customers on the best ways to use your storefront.
Here are 4 methods for training your customers:
1) Simple Graphic Navigation – A growing trend among eCommerce merchants is the use of vibrant introduction images on the homepage as the primary method for navigation. These images catch the shopper’s eye immediately and point them in a direction that you as the merchant, want them to go. Merchants have always used images on the homepage to influence shoppers however, the trend is now the use of larger images with less clutter from featured products and over complicated navigation.
2) Video – It’s no secret that video consumption is growing at an alarming rate. A great way to welcome a shopper to your store and provide them with some direction is with the use of video.
3) Updates Email – As your eCommerce provider releases new features and functionalities it’s good to communicate these features to your shoppers. Let them know that you now have subscription products available or that by logging into their account they can quickly reorder items previously purchased. Letting customers know that you’re taking steps to improve their shopping experience is a great way to build brand loyalty.
4) Over Emphasize Search – With a quick glance at Amazon.com you’ll see that the Search box extends across almost the entire page. If you shop on Amazon you may have been trained to use this search over the standard navigation without even realizing it. Making your search stand out in your store helps shoppers get to what they’re looking for as soon as possible. With eCommerce providers like Nexternal, you can also use Search Suggestions to suggest results to the shopper saving that extra click.
With online businesses hanging on to statistics like conversion rates and shopping cart abandonment it’s important to not overlook the simple process of training your shoppers on where you would like them to go. You’ll find that with simple guidance and instruction your shoppers convert higher and return to buy more often.