Do Your Product Pages Present These 6 Conversion Boosting Elements?

Friday, June 15th, 2012
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Are your product pages lacking the conversion rates you want/expect?  If so, check to make sure your product pages do the following:

  •  1. Clearly describe the benefits or solutions the product provides.
  • 2. Allow customers to select and see product variations.
  • 3. Display images that look like artwork and/or a video demonstrating your product in use.
  • 4. Answers to common customer questions asked during the shopping process.
  • 5. Show product reviews and social proof.
  • 6. Display similar alternatives or related products

The product page below demonstrates these 6 components:

Improving and simplifying the presentation of content on your product pages is a cost effective way to increase your conversion rate.

Bobby Cintolo is a Senior Account Executive at Nexternal. Bobby is passionate about wine and he specializes in helping merchants increase their brand awareness using social media and mobile marketing tools.