Google Webinar – AdWords Online

Thursday, September 9th, 2010
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The AdWords Online Classroom Team is providing a Webinar to provide some insights and tips to help you get your AdWords ads ready for the holiday season.

The short online course will cover the following:

  • Provide you with insights into the products and services shoppers are most interested in this year
  • Show you how the Insights for Search tool can help you determine the expected holiday search traffic
  • Share how to tailor your keywords and ad text by including holiday-specific themes

Don’t miss out on early holiday shoppers and start your holiday campaigns today! To watch the course click on the following link and simply enter your AdWords email address and Customer ID.



Coming from a medical and non-profit management background, Taryn has extensive experience in customer service and marketing. She is a Senior Account Manager for Nexternal and loves working with her clients to develop social media and marketing strategies to improve their online presence. In her spare time, she also runs a successful eCommerce jewelry and essential oils business.