Introducing BridgePay: The Only Payment Gateway That You’ll Need

Have you been meaning to leverage Nexternal’s powerful mobile point of sale (POS) application, HighJump Engage, but are hesitant to secure funds to a different merchant account than your traditional web orders? If so, then enter BridgePay: the first and only payment gateway that offers full point of sale and eCommerce processing to Nexternal clients with a joint merchant account, all under one roof.
While we have always offered multiple gateways for desktop and mobile orders, until recently Square was the only option for HighJump Engage mobile POS. This left users with one payment gateway for web orders and another for point of sale. While this is perfeclty fine, some merchants prefer to have one gateway and one merchant account where all the funds are sent regardless of order type. Not only does BridgePay make this possible, but through a partnership we have established with RUPractical, you’ll receive a bluetooth swipe mechanism that supports both traditional cards as well as those with chips. For more information on BridgePay via RUPractical, contact your Nexternal Rep or click here: