Nexternal Announces: New Email Layout Features!

Thursday, May 17th, 2012
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The new E-Mail Layout (Layout/E-Mail Layout in the Order Management System) allows you to select layout elements (font, colors, background, etc.) that apply specifically to HTML-format e-mails generated by the Online Store and Order Management System. The Order Confirmation E-Mail (Settings/Boolean Options), Shipped E-Mail (Settings/Boolean Options), Drop Ship E-Mail (Settings/Site Options/Drop Shipping), and many others use the layout parameters specified in this new section.

If there is at least one preexisting, non-Canceled product order, you may use the Send Test E-Mail button to send a test e-mail to yourself, using the selected settings. The test e-mail simulates an Order Confirmation E-Mail of the most recent non-Canceled product order.  There is also a palette picker control  

Note: To enforce consistency, the E-Mail Layout of the Live Layout always applies.

Coming from a medical and non-profit management background, Taryn has extensive experience in customer service and marketing. She is a Senior Account Manager for Nexternal and loves working with her clients to develop social media and marketing strategies to improve their online presence. In her spare time, she also runs a successful eCommerce jewelry and essential oils business.