Two Simple Ways to Get Customers to Promote Your Brand

It’s human nature that people with similar interests, tend to be friends. Given this fact, if a customer is ordering products from your company, what are the odds that they have some friends that would likely order the same products if they knew your company existed? Pretty good! As an online retailer, there are two simple things you can do to take advantage of this.
Like all good online merchants, you send shipping notification emails to your customers with tracking information, etc. Consider setting up an addendum in that shipped confirmation email that says, something like, “Thank you again for your order! If you have a friend that would be interested in ordering similar products from us, please forward along this link: and your friend will get 20% off their first online order with us.”
A similar method can be applied in the offline world. Most merchants include some sort of insert in the packages they ship out. Sometimes, these inserts are product catalogs, company branded stickers, or even promotional material intended for the recipient. What most merchants fail to include is an insert that is designed to be handed over to the customer’s friend. The insert doesn’t necessarily need to include a coupon code, but it sure helps. It should be crystal clear on that the insert that it is intended to be given to the recipient’s friend.
By leveraging these two simple tactics, not only will you increase the number of orders you receive but the number of customers you can market to going forward!